A review of existing client documentation (if any) is held to assess the current state.
Documentation development
We understand the importance of client comfort.
That is why our goal is to provide all services needed to achieve PCI DSS compliance. We often hear complaints that developing policies and procedures is a long and tedious process, and no one wants to do it. Our experts can help with this task by offering a set of basic templates or developing tailor-made policy and procedural documents.
How we
do it
How we
do it
A review of existing client documentation (if any) is held to assess the current state.
Depending on the level of existing documentation, either documentation is adjusted to meet standard requirements, or a new documentation package is developed based on best practice. After adjustments are delivered, workshops are held to align the client’s actual process with standard requirements and to further refine documentation.
The client reviews the draft version and fills in any outstanding details.
The client approves the documentation according to internal processes and hierarchy, and implements the defined policies and procedures.
Trusted by
98 %
Client retention rate
100 %
Clients pass the audit on the first attempt
>75 %
Long-term clients for more than seven years